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Meet the team – Ben Harding

Meet the team – Ben Harding

We are proud of our team here at Claydon Estate, so we would like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do …

Name: Ben Harding

Job title: Head of Grounds and Landscape Maintenance

What’s your role at Claydon Estate?

I’m Head of Grounds and Landscape Maintenance and manage a team of three.  We’re responsible for the maintenance of the gardens and the wider estate. 

Our responsibilities include dealing with fallen trees after storms and undertaking repairs to fallen fences.  We also look after our Kitchen Gardens, ensuring the beds are kept weed free and pruning the roses and fruit trees. We have several fruit trees within the gardens including plums, apples, figs, peaches, nectarines, apricots, quince, pears and grapevines, so there’s plenty to keep us busy!

We’ll also undertake various garden projects; one recent project is the planting of 400 trees to celebrate the 400 years that Claydon Estate has been the Verney family home. I’ve been a big part of the tree planting and I’m regularly checking the progress of our newly planted trees and ensuring they’re well-watered and kept weed free.

Describe your perfect day here!

I enjoy almost every day!

I love to tow the bowser through the Parkland, which is the large tanker we use to water the trees and plants. 

I enjoy tending to the beds and the lawns in the kitchen gardens which includes the mowing, I love the challenge of mowing stripes and ensuring they are perfectly straight!

In your role, what are you most looking forward to over the next few months?

I always enjoy the transition from Winter to Spring and noticing the bulbs and new wildflower areas come into flower, as well as seeing the array of wildlife that they attract.

What interests/hobbies do you have?

I am a keen walker and often travel the country to find new walks and scrambling trails. The Peak District is probably my favourite place to walk, they seem to have harder trails which are more challenging.

I’ve recently done the 3 peaks challenge to raise money for the charity, Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity).  It was a great challenge albeit a gruelling one!

I also have a passion for history and books, I particularly enjoy anything based in the world of the ancient Greeks whether fact or fiction, I enjoy the mythology and the mystery behind the stories.

Finally, what’s your favourite film or book, and why?

One of my favourite books is Histories by Herodotus. Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian credited for being the first historian and known as “The Father of History”.

Another favourite is Homers the Odyssey, an epic poem following the story of Odysseus who wanders for 10 years trying to get home after the Trojan war.

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Get in Touch

The Claydon Estate
Estate Office, Middle Claydon, Buckinghamshire
MK18 2EX

Opening Hours

Claydon Courtyard and Phoenix Kitchen are open daily, between 10am-5pm.

We recommend you check with individual Courtyard businesses and the National Trust Claydon House for their opening times.

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