Meet the Team – Scott Hawkins
Meet the Team – Scott Hawkins
We are proud of our team here at Claydon Estate, so we would like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do…
Name: Scott Hawkins
Job title: Assistant Catering Manager, Phoenix Kitchen
What’s your role at Claydon Estate?
I work alongside the catering manager and assist with the day to day running of the tea rooms.
My day starts at 8am, I’m always the first in and its straight to the coffee machine to turn it on! I’ll then respond to emails and check through for any bookings which we may have received.
It’s then on to the day’s prep, making scones is the first thing on the agenda, these are freshly made each day and we often sell out. I’ll also make a batch of cakes, lemon and blueberry cake seem to be a particular favourite with our customers at the moment!
It’s then time to prep for both the breakfast and lunch menus, this will include tasks such as prepping sandwich fillings and ensuring we have everything ready to serve our daily specials.
By this time the rest of the team have started, we’ll always start with a quick team meeting to talk through the day ahead.
Describe your perfect day here!
My perfect day always involves drinking lots of coffee, lots of baking, lots of lovely customers ordering lots of delicious food and of course working with the great team we have here at the Phoenix Kitchen.
I do have a love of baking. I enjoy working with different flavours, experimenting and working with whatever ingredients I happen to have. I currently have some courgettes in the fridge so I’m looking forward to making a courgette cake later perhaps with a hint of orange!
In your role, what are you most looking forward to over the next few months?
Lots more baking, being creative and working on our seasonal menus. I do love the changing of the seasons I particularly enjoy Spring and walking around our gardens noticing the spring bulbs emerging. Summer’s great too, If I could wear flipflops and shorts all year round I would!
What interests/hobbies do you have?
I enjoy spending time with my family, time in the garden and I have a love of crafting. I particularly enjoy card making and can often be found with my headphones in listening to music and spending hours creating new designs for my cards.
Finally, what’s your favourite film or book, and why?
My favourite book at the moment is “Jane’s Patisserie” cookbook, recipes include everything from gooey cookies to celebration cakes. It was a book I discovered through a recommendation on social media, I can’t wait to try some, if not all of the recipes in it!

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The Claydon Estate
Estate Office, Middle Claydon, Buckinghamshire
MK18 2EX
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Opening Hours
Claydon Courtyard and Phoenix Kitchen are open daily, between 10am-5pm.
We recommend you check with individual Courtyard businesses and the National Trust Claydon House for their opening times.