Meet the Team – Jane Hammond
Meet the Team – Jane Hammond
We are proud of our team here at Claydon Estate, so we would like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do…
Name: Jane Hammond
Job Title: Property and Estate Administrator
What’s your role at Claydon Estate?
We have a number of residential, commercial and farmstead properties to rent on the estate. Part of my role is to be the first point of contact between the tenants and the estate. Should the tenants have any maintenance issues it’s my responsibility to work alongside our Maintenance Manager and rectify the problem.
This could include anything from boiler breakdowns to broken ovens. More recently, during the storms we found ourselves dealing with missing roof tiles and fallen trees, we always have to be prepared to change our maintenance priorities at a moment’s notice. We never know what issue we’ll be presented with each day, which certainly keeps us on our toes!
As well as overseeing the maintenance of the properties I’m also responsible for the general office administration, which includes looking after our two holiday cottages located within the “Claydon Courtyard”. I monitor bookings and ensure the cottages are ready for our guests.
Describe your perfect day here
Without a doubt when it’s a nice dry sunny day so I can enjoy my drive to work through the beautiful countryside.
It’s always a nice feeling to be able to resolve maintenance issues for our tenants and to ensure that they’re satisfied with the work done.
In your role, what are you most looking forward to over the next few months?
Having only started this role in October I’m looking forward to seeing the estate move into Spring and Summer, and watching how the gardens develop as the seasons change.
I’m also looking forward to the summer months as we’ll start to tackle some of the larger maintenance jobs.
What interests and hobbies do you have?
I try and keep fit and especially enjoy running, which I do find more of a challenge during the winter. I’m also a member of Brackley Tangent where we take part in all sorts of activities, this could be anything from Archery, Sailing, Crafting and more recently Lemon Curd Making, do look us up!
Finally, what’s your favourite film or book and why?
My favourite film is “It’s a Wonderful Life”, despite the age of the film, I love it and always play it at Christmas, I think the message is great and it always gets to me at the end!

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Get in Touch
The Claydon Estate
Estate Office, Middle Claydon, Buckinghamshire
MK18 2EX
- Phone
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Opening Hours
Claydon Courtyard and Phoenix Kitchen are open daily, between 10am-5pm.
We recommend you check with individual Courtyard businesses and the National Trust Claydon House for their opening times.