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Author: Tryphena Foster

Meet the Team – Martyn Turbayne

We are proud of our team here at Claydon Estate, so we would like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do … Name: Martyn Turbayne Job Title: Maintenance Manager What’s your role at Claydon Estate? I’m the Maintenance Manager for Claydon Estate, a role which covers many different areas. I’m primarily responsible for any maintenance issues which arise within the residential, commercial and farmstead properties on Claydon Estate. I work closely with Jane, our Property and Estate Administrator. When a job comes in, we’ll assess it and schedule it...

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Meet the Team – Tory Aubrey-Fletcher

We are proud of our team here at Claydon Estate, so we would like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do … Name: Tory Aubrey-Fletcher Job title: Operations Manager What’s your role at Claydon Estate? I’m the Operations Manager and have worked on the Estate for over nine years. My role covers anything and everything! I deal with a variety of tasks such as recruiting staff, overseeing development projects, liaising with contractors & stakeholders, managing our rental properties, which includes finding new tenants and overseeing refurbishment projects. ...

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Reducing our carbon footprint

We’re always looking at ways on the farm where we can reduce our carbon footprint, that’s why we’re conducting a trial of a new seaweed fertiliser. Here on Claydon Estate our in-hand farm specialises in growing combinable crops such as wheat, oats, oilseed rape, field beans and linseed. One of the highest points of carbon emission on any arable farm is the use of artificial fertilisers.  A significant amount of greenhouse gasses are produced in the manufacture and transportation of these fertilisers, and the carbon footprint can be as much as 80%. Artificial...

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World Bee Day – Supporting our pollinators

Supporting our pollinators. World bee day is celebrated on the 20th of May each year with the primary focus of raising awareness of the essential role that bees play in our eco system. There are 270 species of bee in the UK, including the honeybee, and they’re responsible for pollinating 80% of our wildflowers as well as many of our crops. Plants including crop plants depend on bees as well as insects to move pollen between flowers which allows them to produce seed and fruits. Without the help of our bees, crop yields would significantly decrease.  It’s been well documented...

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